FAQs on the European Accessibility Act 2025

This FAQ session aims to address some of the most common questions on the European Accessibility Act 2025.

While the answers are brief and introductory, they offer a solid starting point for understanding key concepts.

If you need custom support and seek to make your business EAA compliant, we are experts ready to help.


The EAA was introduced to address the barriers faced by people with disabilities in accessing products and services. It aims to create a more inclusive society by harmonizing accessibility standards across the EU, thereby making it easier for businesses to operate in multiple countries and for consumers to access goods and services.

The EAA covers several products, including:

  • ATMs, ticketing, and check-in machines
  • Computers and operating systems
  • Televisions and related equipment
  • eReaders
  • Smartphones
  • Payment terminals

Services covered by the EAA include:

  • Banking services
  • eCommerce
  • Public transport services, including ticketing and check-in
  • Telecommunication services
  • Audio-visual media services
  • Emergency services (such as the 112 emergency number)

The key accessibility requirements include ensuring that digital products and services:

  • Are perceivable, operable, understandable, and robust
  • Provide alternatives for visual, auditory, and tactile information
  • Ensure compatibility with assistive technologies
  • Allow flexible use and customization by the user

The EAA applies to manufacturers, importers, and distributors of the covered products and services within the EU. It also impacts service providers, public sector bodies, and organizations involved in public procurement.

The EAA was adopted in 2019, and EU member states had until June 28, 2022, to transpose it into national law. Businesses must comply with the accessibility requirements by June 28, 2025.

Each EU member state is responsible for enforcing the EAA through national legislation. Regulatory bodies will oversee compliance, and there will be penalties for non-compliance. Consumers can also file complaints if they encounter accessibility issues.

Benefits for businesses include:

  • Access to a larger market by catering to people with disabilities
  • Enhanced brand reputation and customer loyalty
  • Reduced legal risks and compliance costs by adhering to standardized accessibility requirements
  • Potential for innovation and improved product design

Businesses can prepare by:

  • Conducting an accessibility audit of their products and services
  • Implementing necessary design and functionality changes to meet EAA requirements
  • Training staff on accessibility standards and best practices
  • Engaging with accessibility experts and organizations

We at accessmeter.com offer a comprehensive package that includes all the aforementioned requirements. You can start preparing your business with a free audit plus paid fixes by contacting us.

Assistive technologies play a crucial role in the EAA by helping to ensure that products and services are accessible to people with disabilities. The EAA requires compatibility with such technologies, enabling users to customize their experiences according to their needs.

Public procurement rules under the EAA require that accessibility be considered in the procurement of goods and services by public bodies. This ensures that publicly funded products and services are accessible to all citizens, including those with disabilities.

Penalties for non-compliance vary by member state but generally include fines, enforcement actions, and the requirement to take corrective measures. Continuous non-compliance can lead to more severe penalties and reputational damage.

The EAA complements other EU initiatives, such as the Web Accessibility Directive, which requires public sector websites and mobile apps to be accessible, and the Audiovisual Media Services Directive, which includes accessibility provisions for media services.

The European Accessibility Act (EAA) and the EN 301 549 standard are closely related, as both aim to improve accessibility for people with disabilities within the European Union.

However, the EAA provides the legal and regulatory framework to improve accessibility across the EU, while EN 301 549 offers the technical specifications to achieve these goals. Organizations can use EN 301 549 as a practical tool to comply with the EAA's requirements, ensuring that their products and services are accessible to people with disabilities. The alignment of the EAA with EN 301 549 facilitates a standardized approach to accessibility, benefiting both consumers and businesses.

The European Accessibility Act (EAA) and the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) are interconnected in that the EAA incorporates WCAG as a foundational standard for ensuring web accessibility across the European Union. The EAA mandates that websites, mobile applications, and various digital services comply with accessibility requirements, which are often defined by the technical specifications of WCAG. Essentially, WCAG provides the detailed guidelines and criteria for accessible web content, while the EAA enforces these guidelines within the EU's regulatory framework to ensure a consistent and high level of digital accessibility for people with disabilities.

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Written by:

Samuel Enyi

Sammi is a seasoned accessibility expert with over a decade of experience. He holds several professional certifications in web development, a Trusted Tester certification from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, and a Bachelor's degree in Electrical-Electronics Engineering. Sammi excels at managing client accessibility needs across multiple platforms and enjoys simplifying complex problems.

Olivera Peter

Olivera is a meticulous proofreader and editor with a bachelor's degree in linguistics. She ensures our blog remains error-free with her keen eye for detail. Outside of work, she enjoys traveling and playing tennis.

Ramib Abeeb

Ramib is a Computer Science graduate who brings a wealth of experience to the table. He is passionate about supporting individuals with disabilities, dedicating his expertise to making their work environments more accessible and user-friendly.