FAQs on ADA Compliance

This FAQ session aims to address some of the most common questions on Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).

These answers are brief, concise, straight to the point, and offer a solid starting point for understanding the key concepts.

If you need custom support and seek to make your site comprehensively compliant, we are experts ready to help.


Yes, if your website is a public-facing representation of a business or organization, it must be ADA-compliant. This requirement applies to e-commerce sites, educational institutions, government agencies, and non-profit organizations, ensuring that all users, including those with disabilities, have equal access to your services and information.

Non-compliance with ADA standards can lead to legal action, including lawsuits, fines, and damages. The ADA imposes legal liability on businesses that fail to provide equal access to individuals with disabilities, potentially resulting in significant financial and reputational damage.

You can perform a self-assessment using ADA guidelines and tools, or hire a third-party auditor to conduct a comprehensive evaluation. Key areas to check include inaccessible content, poor color contrast, missing alternative text for images, and navigation that cannot be performed using a keyboard alone. Regular testing and updates are necessary for maintaining compliance.

The ADA focuses on public-facing websites and apps, requiring them to be accessible to all users, including those with disabilities. Section 508, on the other hand, applies specifically to federal agencies and their contractors, ensuring that electronic and information technology is accessible to people with disabilities. While both laws aim to ensure accessibility, their scopes and requirements differ a bit.

While templates and plugins can assist in making a website more accessible, they are not a guarantee of ADA compliance. A comprehensive audit and manual testing are necessary to ensure all aspects of your website meet ADA standards. This includes checking for semantic HTML, proper use of ARIA (Accessible Rich Internet Applications) landmarks, and more.

To make your website accessible to screen readers, implement semantic HTML, provide alternative text for images, ensure all content can be accessed using a keyboard, and use ARIA roles and landmarks appropriately. Testing your website with popular screen readers like JAWS, NVDA, or VoiceOver is essential to identify and fix accessibility issues.

The ADA guidelines recommend using clear and readable fonts with a minimum size of 14px. Ensure sufficient color contrast (at least a 4.5:1 ratio) between text and background to enhance readability. Avoid using color alone to convey information, as this can be inaccessible to individuals with color blindness.

Yes, mobile apps are subject to ADA compliance, especially if they provide similar functionality to a website. Ensuring your app follows ADA guidelines for accessibility is crucial. This includes making the app navigable via keyboard alternatives, providing alt text for images, and ensuring that text is resizable without loss of functionality.

ADA guidelines require providing accurate and synchronized closed captions and subtitles for all audio and video content, including live streams and podcasts. This ensures equal access for individuals who are deaf or hard of hearing, enabling them to fully engage with your multimedia content.

Ensuring ADA compliance not only helps you avoid legal issues but also broadens your audience by making your digital presence more inclusive and accessible. Regular audits and updates are key to maintaining accessibility standards.

Testing your website for ADA compliance requires a combination of automated tools and manual testing. Automated tools such as WAVE, Lighthouse, and Axe can help identify potential accessibility issues. However, these tools should be supplemented with manual testing, including:

  • Screen Readers: Use screen readers like JAWS, NVDA, or VoiceOver to ensure your site is navigable and understandable for visually impaired users.
  • Keyboard Navigation: Ensure all interactive elements can be accessed and operated using only a keyboard. This includes navigation menus, forms, and interactive components.
  • Color Contrast Analyzers: Use tools to check color contrast ratios, ensuring text is readable against its background for users with visual impairments.
  • User Testing: Engage users with disabilities to test your website and provide feedback on its accessibility.

You can hire third-party auditors to carryout a thorough test for your site.

There is no specific deadline for ADA compliance. However, the risk of legal action exists at all times. To mitigate this risk and ensure equal access for all users, prioritize achieving and maintaining ADA compliance as an ongoing process rather than a one-time project.

Yes, businesses and organizations can be sued for failing to comply with ADA standards. Numerous companies, including Domino's Pizza and Winn-Dixie, have faced lawsuits for inaccessible websites. Legal actions can result in costly fines, settlements, and reputational damage, making it crucial to address accessibility proactively. Avoid lawsuits, take advantage of our free auditing program to know your site's level of compliance.

The cost of making a website ADA compliant varies based on its complexity, size, and the extent of necessary modifications. Estimates range from a few thousand to tens of thousands of dollars. Factors influencing cost include:

  • Initial Audit: Conducting a thorough accessibility audit.
  • Design and Development: Modifying existing designs and code.
  • Testing: Continuous testing and validation.
  • Training: Educating staff on accessibility best practices.
  • Maintenance: Ongoing updates to maintain compliance.

Yes, it is your responsibility to ensure your social media content is accessible. This includes:

  • Alternative Text: Providing descriptive alt text for images.
  • Clear Language: Using simple, straightforward language.
  • Video Accessibility: Adding captions and transcripts for videos, and ensuring any interactive elements are keyboard accessible.
  • Hashtags and Emojis: Using camel case for hashtags (e.g., #AccessibleContent) and limiting the use of emojis to enhance readability.

Start by addressing the most critical issues that significantly impact user accessibility:

  • Critical Issues: Inaccessible content, keyboard navigation problems, and missing alt text for images.
  • Secondary Issues: Color contrast adjustments, ensuring readable font sizes, and improving the clarity of forms.
  • Ongoing Improvements: Regularly update and test your website, creating a roadmap for continuous accessibility enhancements.

Beyond legal compliance, ADA accessibility offers several benefits:

  • Enhanced User Experience: Improves usability for all users, not just those with disabilities.
  • Broader Audience Reach: Includes people with disabilities, potentially expanding your market.
  • Improved SEO: Search engines favor accessible websites, potentially improving your search rankings.
  • Brand Reputation: Demonstrates social responsibility and inclusivity, enhancing your brand image.
  • Legal Safeguards: Reduces the risk of lawsuits and associated costs.

AI tools can assist in identifying accessibility issues, but they should not replace human evaluation and testing. While AI can speed up the process of detecting common problems, a comprehensive approach requires:

  • Manual Testing: Human testers can identify nuances and context-specific issues that AI might miss.
  • Expert Evaluation: Accessibility experts can provide insights and recommendations for complex issues.
  • User Feedback: Involving users with disabilities ensures real-world applicability and effectiveness of your accessibility efforts.

At accessmeter.com, we provide comprehensive and detailed VPAT (Voluntary Product Accessibility Template) reports that outline your website's adherence to ADA standards. Our expert team conducts thorough accessibility testing and generates a VPAT that highlights both strengths and areas for improvement. This report serves as a crucial document for demonstrating your commitment to accessibility. Visit our services page to request your detailed VPAT report today!

Accessmeter LLC offers expert services to identify and correct code issues that may affect your website's accessibility. Our team performs in-depth accessibility testing to pinpoint defective code and provides tailored recommendations or direct fixes to ensure your site meets ADA standards. By partnering with us, you can ensure a seamless and inclusive experience for all users. Reach out to us to get started on testing and fixing your website's code for ADA compliance.

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Written by:

Samuel Enyi

Sammi is a seasoned accessibility expert with over a decade of experience. He holds several professional certifications in web development, a Trusted Tester certification from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, and a Bachelor's degree in Electrical-Electronics Engineering. Sammi excels at managing client accessibility needs across multiple platforms and enjoys simplifying complex problems.

Olivera Peter

Olivera is a meticulous proofreader and editor with a bachelor's degree in linguistics. She ensures our blog remains error-free with her keen eye for detail. Outside of work, she enjoys traveling and playing tennis.

Ramib Abeeb

Ramib is a Computer Science graduate who brings a wealth of experience to the table. He is passionate about supporting individuals with disabilities, dedicating his expertise to making their work environments more accessible and user-friendly.